Evaluación del estado de conservación de tiburones y rayas del mediterráneo español mediante el estudio de pesquerías: riesgos y acciones de prioridad (ECEME)

53% of the elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) of the Mediterranean are at risk of extinction, while for 18% there is not enough information to assess their status. Fishing overexploitation and degradation of their habitats are the main causes of the decline in elasmobranch populations. In many areas, the deficiency in the catch and landing data represents an impediment to knowing the real state of these populations. This project aims to evaluate, during 2020-2022, the abundance and distribution of the elasmobranchs of the Spanish Mediterranean through fishing data obtained from fishing observation and landing programs, as well as to identify which species are most vulnerable to the fishing impact. This information is essential to improve knowledge about elasmobranchs and the establishment of effective measures for their management and conservation in Spanish Mediterranean waters. With the support of the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, through the Biodiversity Foundation.
