The project targets the EU populations of two sea turtle species, Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas, which are listed as a priority for conservation in both Annex II and IV of the Habitats Directive. The EU population of Caretta caretta breeds mainly in Greece and Cyprus, with minor nesting sites in Italy and Spain, while its foraging areas occur in the wide continental shelves of the Adriatic and off Tunisia, as well as in the Aegean and along the north Africa coast. The EU population of Chelonia mydas breeds in Cyprus and its foraging areas occur in Turkey, Greece, Albania and north Africa up to Tunisia. Nesting sites are threatened by habitat loss caused by the development of tourism, intensive beach use, and by predation from animals favoured by human presence. At foraging grounds, sea turtles are incidentally caught and killed in high numbers by fishing gear, especially trawl nets, longlines and set nets.