La Segona línia d’investigació de la Unitat de Zoologia Marina se centra en estudis parasitològics de vertebrats marins (mamífers, tortugues i peixos), incloent aspectes taxonòmics (tant convencionals com moleculars), ecològics i evolutius. Mereixen especial menció els nostres estudis pioners sobre els determinants ecològics i evolutius de les comunitats paràsites de cetacis i tortugues marines.
Alguns dels estudis realitzats pel nostre grup han utilitzat dades parasitàries per a l’obtenció d’informació sobre les migracions i estructura social de poblacions de mamífers marins. També estem duen a terme estudis aplicats en els camps de la pesca i l’aqüicultura, que inclouen estudis de la distribució de larves de nematodes anisàkids en peixos de consum humà, parasitologia de la círvia Seriola dumerili, la tonyina del atlàntic Thunnus thynnus en cultius i d’altres espècies d’interès en l’aqüicultura mediterrània, i la utilització d’informació parasitària per a la predicció de l’origen de captures pesqueres. La Unitat de Zoologia Marina participa en l’actualitat en un consorci de sis laboratoris, finançat per el 5t Programa Marc, en el desenvolupament i optimització de mètodes per a la determinació de la localitat d’eclosió i de captura de bacallà (CODTRACE). La nostra unitat contribueix en aquest projecte desenvolupant tècniques basades en l’anàlisi de comunitats paràsites.
Projectes representatius
- Trematodos parásitos de peces de la acuicultura mediterránea: ciclos vitales y cambio global” subvencionado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad nº AGL2015-68405-R (MINECO/FEDER) (2016-2018).
- “Estudio de las parasitosis de atún rojo del Atlántico en jaulas del Mediterráneo español” ayudas de la convocatoria de la Universitat de València de Proyectos Coordinados entre Personal Investigador perteneciente a Microclusters de Investigación del VLC/CAMPUS (MCI) y Empresas (2015).
- Parásitos como indicadores de impacto ambiental a largo plazo en las poblaciones de cetáceos mediterráneos. Subvencionado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad nº CGL2012-39545.
- Red Valenciana de Investigación y Desarrollo sobre Patología en Acuicultura (REVIDPAQUA). Subvencionado por la Conselleria de Educación, Proyecto de Redes de Excelencia, nº ISIC/2012/003. (
- Parásitos del atún rojo atlántico oriental (Thunnus thynnus) en poblaciones naturales y en cautividad. Comunidades y patologías asociadas, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación nº AGL2010-20892.
- Origen y diversificación de los digeneos parásitos de cetáceos: aspectos coevolutivos y biogeográficos, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación nº AGL2010-20892.
- Indicadores de salud de comunidades ícticas del Mediterráneo profundo: impactos antropogénicos y variabilidad natural (ANTROMARE). Subvencionado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación nº CTM2009-12214-C02-02.
- Effects of climate change and pollution on aquatic parasite communities. Subvencionado por la Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany.
- From communities to individuals: development of an early warning system to assess the relationship between climate warming and pollution in European freshwater ecosystems (PARAWARM). Subvencionado por la EU nº Marie Curie PIEF-GA-2009-236127.
- Comunidades parasitas de tres especies de mugílidos simpátricos en el mediterráneo español, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación nº CGL2008-02701.
- Historia evolutiva de la familia Polymorphidae (Acanthocephala) en aves acuáticas y mamíferos marinos: diversidad comparada, biogeografía y ecomorfología, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación nº CGL2007-63221.
- Identificación de biomarcadores del impacto antropogénico en comunidades marinas: una aproximación ecosistémica (BIOMARE). Subvencionado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación nº CTM2006-28145-E/MAR.
- Parásitos patógenos del sargo picudo: evaluación de su riesgo de transmisión a cultivos de dorada”, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia nº AGL2005-01221.
- Pathogens and parasites in Mediterranean aquaculture, Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge de la Comisión Europea, nº FP6-MTKD-CT-2004-014501.
- Transmisión, profilaxis y tratamiento de Zeuxapta seriolae en cultivos de Seriola dumerili en el Mediterráneo, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología nº BOS2002-00878.
- Estudio de los patógenos bacterianos y parasitarios de Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810). Subvencionado por la Generalitat Valenciana nº GV-D-AG-02-138/96.
- Establishing traceability for cod (Gadus morhua): determining location of spawning and harvest. European Commission, 5th Framework Programme, Q5RS-2001-01697. Link.
- Parasites assemblages as indicators of the harvest location of fish, European Commission 5th Framework Programme, Q5HPMD-2000-00037.
- Estudio de las anisakidosis en pescado fresco de consumo en la Comunidad Valenciana, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia nº 1FD97-1147 (1999‑2001).
- Estudio de las comunidades de helmintos gastrointestinales de Cetáceos Odontocetos, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia nº PB96‑0801.
Publicacions Representatives
- Pool, R.; Romero-Rubira, C.; Raga, J.A.; Fernández, M.; Aznar, F.J. (2021) Determinants of lungworm specificity in five species of cetacean in the western Mediterranean. Parasites & Vectors, 14: 1-14.
- Palacios Abella, J.F.; Montero, F.E.; Merella, P.; Mele, S.; Raga, J.A.; Repullés-Albelda, A. (2021) Cardicola mediterraneus n. sp. (Trematoda, Aporocotylidae): a new species infecting the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata L., from the Western Mediterranean Sea. Parasitology Research, 120: 1949-1963.
- Ebert, M.B., Fernández, M., Valente, A.L.S., Cremer, M.J., de Castilho, P.V., da Silva, R. J. (2021). Ascocotyle longa (Digenea: Heterophyidae) infecting dolphins from the Atlantic Ocean. Parasitology Research, 120: 347-353.
- Pons-Bordas, C., Hazenberg, A., Hernandez-Gonzalez, A., Pool, R. V., Covelo, P., Sánchez-Hermosin, P., López, A, C. Saavedra, C., Fraija-Fernández, N., Fernández, M., Aznar, F. J. (2020). Recent increase of ulcerative lesions caused by Anisakis spp. in cetaceans from the north-east Atlantic. Journal of Helminthology, 94: e127, 1–7.
- Wee, N.Q., Cutmore, S.C., Pérez-del-Olmo, A., Cribb, T.H. (2020). First steps to restructuring the problematic genus Lasiotocus Looss, 1907 (Digenea: Monorchiidae) with the proposal of four new genera. Parasitology International, 79, 102164.
- Pool, R.; Chandradeva, N.; Gkafas, G.; Raga, J.A.; Fernández, M.; Aznar, F.J. (2020). Transmission and predictors of burden of lungworms of the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the western Mediterranean. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 56(1): 86-191.
- Van Bressem, M.F.; Duignan, P.; Raga, J.A.; Van Waerebeek, K.; Fraija-Fernández, M.; Plön, S. (2020). Cranial crassicaudiasis in Indian Ocean humpback dolphins and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins from South Africa is predominantly a disease of immature individuals. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 139: 93–102.
- Villora-Montero, M.; Pérez-Del-Olmo, A.; Georgieva, S.; Raga, J.A.; Montero, F.E. (2020). Considerations on the taxonomy and morphology of Microcotyle spp.: Redescription of M. erythrini van Beneden & Hesse, 1863 (Monogenea: Microcotylidae) and the description of a new species from D. dentex (L.) (Teleostei: Sparidae). Parasites & Vectors, 13: 45
- Pool, R.; Fernández, M.; Chandradeva, N.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar, F.J. (2020). The taxonomic status of Skrjabinalius guevarai Gallego and Selva, 1979, with the synonymy of Skrjabinalius Delyamure 1942 and Halocercus Baylis and Daubney, 1925. Systematic Parasitology, 97: 389–401.
- Hernández-Orts, J.S.; Brandão, M.; Georgieva, S.; Raga, J.A.; Crespo, E.A.; Luque, J.L.; Aznar, F.J. (2017). From mammals back to birds: host-switch of the acanthocephalan Corynosoma australe from pinnipeds to the Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus. PLoS ONE, 12(10): e0183809.
- Palacios-Abella, J.F., Rodríguez-Llanosa, J.; Villora-Montero, M.; Mele, S.; Raga, J.A., Montero, F.E. (2017) Diagnostic accuracy of the light microscope method to detect the eggs of Cardicola spp. in the gill filaments of the bluefin tuna. Veterinary Parasitology, 47: 26-32.
- Born-Torrijos, A.; Holzer, A.S.; Raga, J.A.; Van Beest, G.S.; Yoneva, A. (2017). Description of embryonic development and ultrastructure in miracidia of Cardiocephaloides longicollis (Digenea, Strigeidae) in relation to active host finding strategy in a marine environment. Journal of Morphology, 278: 1137-1148
- Fraija-Fernández, N.; Fernández, M.; Gozalbes, P.; Revuelta, O.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar F.J. (2017). Living on a harsh habitat: epidemiology of the whale louse, Syncyamus aequus (Cyamidae), in striped dolphins from the western Mediterranean. Journal of Zoology, 303: 199–206, DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12482
- Fraija-Fernández, N.; Fernández, M.; Lehnert, K.; Raga, J.A.; Siebert, U.; Aznar F.J. (2017). Long-distance travellers: phylogeography of a generalist parasite, Pholeter gastrophilus, from Cetaceans. PLoS ONE, 12(1): e0170184. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0170184
- Domènech, F.; Tomás, J.; Crespo-Picazo, J.L.; García-Parraga, D.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar F.J. (2017). To swim or not to swim: potential transmission of Balaenophilus manatorum (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) in marine turtles. PLoS ONE, 12(1): e0170789. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0170789
- Born-Torrijos, A.; Poulin, R.; Pérez-Del-Olmo, A.; Culurgioni, J.; Raga, J.A.; Holzer, A.S. (2016). An optimized multi-host trematode life cycle: fisheries discards enhance trophic parasite transmission to scavenging birds. International Journal for Parasitology, 46: 745–753
- Mateu, P.; Nardi, V.; Fraija-Fernández, N.; Mattiucci, S.; Gil De Sola, L.; Raga, J.A., Fernández, M.; Aznar, F.J (2015). The role of lantern fish (Myctophidae) and cephalopods in the life-cycle of cetacean parasites from western Mediterranean waters. Deep Sea Research I, 95: 115–121.
- Ahuir-Baraja, A.E.; Padros, F.; Palacio-Abella, J.F.; Raga, J.A.; Montero, F.E. (2015). Accacoelium contortum (Trematoda: Accacoeliidae) a trematode living as a monogenean: morphological and pathological implications. Parasites & Vectors, 8: 540 doi:10.1186/s13071-015-1162-1
- Fraija-Fernández, N.; Fernández, M.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar, F.J. (2015). Life-history trade-offs in a generalist digenean from cetaceans: the role of host specificity and environmental factors. Parasites & Vectors, 8(1): 659 doi: 10.1186/s13071-015-1273-8
- Carrillo, J.M.; Overstreet, R.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar, F.J. (2015). Living on the edge: Settlement patterns by the symbiotic barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis on small cetaceans. PLoS ONE, 10 (6): e0127367. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127367
- Fraija-Fernández, N.; Olson, P.D.; Crespo, E.A.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar, F.; Fernandez, M. (2015). Independent host capture of Cetaceans by Digenean parasites inferred from ribosomal DNA. International Journal for Parasitology, 45: 167–173.
- Born-Torrijos, A.; Raga, J.A.; Holzer, A. (2015). Trematode maturation patterns in a migratory snail host: What happens during upshore residency in a Mediterranean lagoon? Parasitology Research, 115: 575-585. doi:10.1007/s00436-015-4774-7.
- Sánchez-García, N.; Raga, J. A.; Montero, F. E. (2014) Risk assessment for parasites in cultures of Diplodus puntazzo (Sparidae) in the Western Mediterranean: Prospects of cross infection with Sparus aurata. Veterinary Parasitology, 204 (3-4): 120-133.
- Born-Torrijos, A.; Holzer, A.; Raga, J.A.; Kostadinova, A. (2014) Same host, same lagoon, different transmission pathways: effects of exogenous factors on larval emergence in two marine digenean parasites. Parasitological Research, 113: 545-554.
- Fraija, N.; Aznar, F.J.; Raga, J.A.; Gibson, D.; Fernandez, M. (2014). A new brachycladiid species (Digenea) from Gervais’ beaked whale Mesoplodon europaeus in north-western Atlantic waters. Acta Parasitologica, 59 (3): 510–517.
- Mateu, P., Montero, F. E., Carrasson, M. (2014). Geographical variation in Metazoan parasites of the deep-sea fish Bathypterois mediterraneus Bauchot, 1962 (Osteichthyes: Ipnopidae) from the Western Mediterranean. Deep Sea Research I, 87: 24-29.
- Pérez-Del-Olmo A., Dallarés S., Carrassón M., Kostadinova A. (2014) A new species of Bathycreadium Kabata, 1961 (Digenea: Opecoelidae) from Phycis blennoides (Brünnich) (Gadiformes: Phycidae) in the western Mediterranean. Systematic Parasitology, 88, 233–244.
- Mateu, P., Raga, J.A., Fernández, M.; Aznar, F.J. (2014). Intestinal helminth fauna of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the western Mediterranean: effects of host body length, age and sex. Marine Mammal Science, 30: 961-977.
- Hernandez-Orts, J.S.; Alama-Bermejo, G.; Crespo, E.A.; Raga, J.A.; Montero, F.E. (2014). A revision of the genus Neogrubea Dillon & Hargis, 1968 (Monogenea: Mazocraeidae), parasites of the gills of stromateoideis and percoideis (Teleostei: Perciformes): new morphological and molecular data from the Patagonian coast of Argentina. Systematic Parasitology 89: 59-72.
- Born-Torrijos, A.; Poulin, R.; Raga, J.A.; Holzer, A. (2014) Estimating trematode prevalence in snail hosts using a single-step duplex PCR: how badly does cercarial shedding underestimate infection rate? Parasites & Vectors, 7: 243. doi:10.1186/1756-3305-7-243.
- Balbuena JA, Míguez Lozano R, Blasco Costa I (2013) PACo: A Novel Procrustes Application to Cophylogenetic Analysis. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61048
- Alama-Bermejo, G.; Sima, R.; Raga, J.A.; Holzer, A.S. (2013). Understanding myxozoan infection dynamics in the sea: Seasonality and transmission of Ceratomyxa puntazzi. International Journal for Parasitology, 43: 771-780.
- García-Varela, M.; Pérez-Ponce De León, G., Aznar, F.J., Nadler, S.A. (2013). Phylogenetic relationship among genera of Polymorphidae (Acanthocephala), inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 68: 176-184.
- Hernández-Orts, J.S.; Aznar, F.J.; Blasco-Costa, I.; Garcia, N.A..; Víllora- Montero, M.; Crespo, E.A.; Raga, J.A.; Montero, F.E. (2013). Description, microhabitat selection and infection patterns of sealworm larvae (Pseudoterranova decipiens species complex, Nematoda: Ascaridoidea) in fishes from Patagonia, Argentina. Parasites & Vectors, 6: 1-15 doi:10.1186/1756-3305-6-252
- Hernandez-Orts, J.S.; Montero, F.E.; Juan-García, A.; García, N.A.; Crespo, E.A.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar, F.J. (2013). Intestinal helminth fauna of the South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens, and the South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis, from northern Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Helminthology, 87: 336–347. doi:10.1017/S0022149X12000454
- Leonardi, M.S.; Crespo, E.A.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar, F.J. (2013). Lousy mums: patterns of vertical transmission of an amphibious louse. Parasitology Research, 112: 3315-3323. doi:1007/s00436-013-3511-3.Georgieva S., Soldánová M., Pérez-Del-Olmo A., Dangel D.R., Sitko J., Sures B. & Kostadinova A. (2013) Molecular prospecting for European Diplostomum (Digenea: Diplostomidae) reveals cryptic diversity. International Journal for Parasitology, 43: 57–72.
- Gregori, M, FJ Aznar, E Abollo, A Roura, AF Gonzalez, S Pascual (2013). Nyctiphanes couchi as intermediate host for Rhadinorhynchus sp. (Acanthocephala, Echinorhynchidae) from NW Iberian Peninsula waters. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 105: 9-20.
- Georgieva S.; Soldánová M.; Pérez-del-Olmo A.; Dangel D.R.; Sitko J.; Sures B.; Kostadinova A. (2013). Molecular prospecting for European Diplostomum (Digenea: Diplostomidae) reveals cryptic diversity. International Journal for Parasitology 43: 57–72.
- Repullés-Albelda, A.; Kostadinova, A.; Raga J. A.; Montero, F. E. (2013) Seasonal population dynamics of Zeuxapta seriolae (Monogenea: Heteraxinidae) parasitizing Seriola dumerili (Carangidae) in the Western Mediterranean. Veterinary Parasitology, 193(1-3): 163-171.
- Quiñones, R.; Giovannini, A.; Raga, J.A.; Fernández, M. (2013). Intestinal helminth fauna of bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, and common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, from the western Mediterranean. Journal of Parasitology, 99: 576–579.
- Pérez-del-Olmo A.; Kostadinova A.; Morand S. (2013). Metapopulation dynamics in marine parasites. In: The Balance of Nature and Human Impact. Ed.: Klaus Rohde. Cambridge University Press. 413 pp.
- Alama-Bermejo, G.; Born, J.E.; Raga, J.A.; Holzer, A.S. (2012). 3D Morphology, Ultrastructure and Development of Ceratomyxa puntazzi Stages: First Insights into the Mechanisms of Motility and Budding in the Myxozoa. PLoS ONE 7(2): 1-15 e32679. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032679
- Repullés-Albelda, A.; Holzer, A.S.; Raga J. A.; Montero, F. E. (2012) Oncomiracidial development, survival and swimming behaviour of the monogenean Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Van Beneden and Hesse, 1863). Aquaculture, 338: 47-55.
- Hernandez-Orts, J.S.; Montero, F.E.; Crespo, E.A.; García, N.A.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar, F.J. (2012). Ascocotyle (Ascocotyle) patagoniensis n. sp. (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) from the South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens, off Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Parasitology, 98: 810–816.
- Leonardi, M.S.; Crespo, E.A.; Raga, J.A.; Fernández, M. (2012) Scanning Electron Microscopy of Antarctophthirus microchir (Phthiraptera: Anoplura: Echinophthiriidae): studying morphological adaptations to aquatic life. Micron, 43: 929-936.
- Santoro, M, Jm Kinsella, G. Galiero, B Degli Ubert, Fj. Aznar (2012). Helminth community structure in birds of prey (Accpitriformes and Falconiformes) in southern Italy. Journal of Parasitology 98: 22-29.
- Garcia-Varela, M, Fj Aznar, R. Perez-Rodriguez And G Pérez.Ponce De León (2012) Genetic and morphological characterization of Southwellina hispida Van Cleave 1925 (Acanthocephala:Polymorphidae) a parasite of fish-eating birds. Comparative Parasitology 79: 192-201.
- Aznar, F.J.; Hernández-Orts, J.S.; Suarez, A.A.; Garcia-Varela, M.; Raga, J.A.; Cappozzo, H.L. (2012). Assessing host-parasite specificity through coprological analysis: a case study with species of Corynosoma (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) from marine mammals. Journal of Helminthology, 86: 156-164.
- Born-Torrijos, A.; Kostadinova, A.; Raga, J.A.; Holzer, A. (2012). Molecular and morphological identification of larval opecoelids (Digenea: Opecoelidae) parasitising prosobranch snails in a Western Mediterranean lagoon. Parasitology International, 61: 450-460.
- Gregori, M., F.J. Aznar, E. Abollo, A. Roura, A.F. González, S. Pascual. (2012) Nyctiphanes couchii as intermediate host for the acanthocephalan Bolbosoma balaenae in temperate waters of the NE Atlantic. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 99: 37-47
- Carreras-Aubets, M., Montero, F. E., Kostadinova, A., Carrassón, M. (2012). Parasite communities in the red mullet, Mullus barbatus L., respond to small-scale variation in the levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in the Western Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64(9): 1853-1860
- Míguez-Lozano R.; Pardo-Carranza T.V.; Blasco-Costa I.; Balbuena J.A. (2012) Spatial structure of helminth communities of the golden grey mullet, Liza aurata (Actinopterygii: Mugilidae), in the western Mediterranean. Journal of Parasitology 98: 904 – 912
- Leonardi, M.S.; Crespo, E.A.; Vales, D.G.; Feijoo, M.; Raga, J.A.; Aznar, F.J. (2012). Life begins when the sea lion is ashore: microhabitat use by a louse living on a diving mammal host. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 102: 444-452.
- Marzoug D.; Boutiba Z.; Kostadinova A.; Pérez-del-Olmo A. (2012). Effects of fishing on parasitism in a sparid fish: Contrasts between two areas of the Western Mediterranean. Parasitology International 61: 414–420.
- Hernández-Orts, J.S; Alama-Bermejo, G.; Crespo, E.A.; García, N.A.; Raga, J.A.; Montero, F.E. (2012) Breizacanthus aznari n. sp. (Acanthocephala: Arhythmacanthidae) from the banded cusk-eel Raneya brasiliensis (Ophidiiformes: Ophidiidae) from the Patagonian coast in Argentina. Folia Parasitologica, 59: 264–271.
- Hernández-Orts, J.S.; Alama-Bermejo, G.; Carrillo, J.M.; García, N.A.; Crespo, E.A.; Raga, J.A.; Montero, F.E. (2012). Aporocotyle mariachristinae n. sp., and A. ymakara Villalba & Fernández, 1986 (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) of the pink cusk-eel, Genypterus blacodes (Ophidiiformes: Ophidiidae) from Patagonia, Argentina. Parasite, 19: 319-330.
- Hernandez-Orts, J.S.; Timi, J.T.; Raga, J.A.; García-Varela, M.; Crespo, E.A.; Aznar, F.J. (2012). Patterns of trunk spine growth in two congeneric Acanthocephalan species: investment on attachment may differ between sexes and species. Parasitology, 139: 945-955.
- Santoro, M., S. Mattiucci, J. Kinsella, F.J. Aznar, D.Giordano, F. Castagna, F. Pellegrino, G. Nascetti (2011) Helminth community structure of the Mediterranean gull (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus) in southern Italy. Journal of Parasitology, 97: 364‐366.
- Constenla M.; Carrassón M.; Moyà C.M.; Fernàndez-Chacón A.; Padrós F.; Repullés-Albelda, A.; Montero F.E. (2011) Parasitation by Bathycreadium elongatum (Digenea, Opecoelidae) in the pyloric caeca of Trachyrincus scabrus (Teleostei, Macrouridae). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 96(3): 239-247.
- Hodneland; K.; García; R.; Balbuena, J.A.; Zarza, C.; Fouz, B. (2011). Real-time RT-PCR detection of betanodavirus in naturally and experimentally infected fish from Spain. Journal of Fish Diseases, 34:189 – 202
- Alama-Bermejo, G.; Raga, J.A.; Holzer, A.S. (2011). Host-parasite relationship of Ceratomyxa puntazzi n. sp. (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) and sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo (Walbaum, 1792) from the Mediterranean with first data on ceratomyxid host specificity in sparids. Veterinary Parasitology, 182: 181-192.
- Pérez-del-Olmo A.; Morand S.; Raga J.A.; Kostadinova A. (2011). Abundance-variance and abundance-occupancy relationships in a marine host-parasite system: the importance of taxonomy and ecology of transmission. International Journal for Parasitology 41: 1361–1370.
- Repullés-Albelda, A.; Raga J. A.; Montero, F.E. (2011) Post-larval development of the microcotylid monogenean Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Van Beneden and Hesse, 1863): comparison with species of Microcotylidae and Heteraxinidae. Parasitology International, 60(4): 512-520.
- Sánchez-García, N.; Padrós, F.; Raga, J. A.; Montero, F. E. (2011) Comparative study of three attachment mechanisms of three Diplectanid Monogeneans. Aquaculture, 318(3-4): 290-299.
- Montero, F.E.; Kostadinova, A.; Raga, J.A (2009) Development and habitat selection of a new sanguinicolid disease agent of cultured greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili, in the Mediterranean. Aquaculture, 288(1-2): 132-139.
- Pérez-del-Olmo A.; Fernández M.; Raga J.A.; Kostadinova A.; Morand S. (2009). Not everything is everywhere: the distance-decay of similarity in a marine host-parasite system. Journal of Biogeography 36: 200–209.
- Perdiguero-Alonso, D.; Montero, F.E.; Kostadinova, A.; Raga, J.A.; Barrett, J. (2008) Random Forests, a novel approach for discrimination of fish populations using parasites as biological tags. International Journal for Parasitology, 38(12): 1425-1434.
- Holzer, A.S.; Montero, F.E.; Repullés, A.; Nolan, M.J.; Sitja-Bobadilla, A.; Alvarez-Pellitero, P.; Zarza, C.; Raga, J.A. Cardicola aurata sp. n. (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from Mediterranean Sparus aurata L. (Teleostei: Sparidae) and its unexpected phylogenetic relationship with Paradeontacylix McIntosh, 1934. Parasitology International, 57(4): 472-482
- Pérez-del-Olmo A.; Fernández M.; Raga J.A.; Kostadinova A. & Poulin R. (2008). Halfway up the trophic chain: development of parasite communities in the sparid fish Boops boops. Parasitology, 135: 257–268.
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