Disease control is one of the priorities for aquaculture, affecting production, animal welfare, product quality and the environment. This project aimed to obtain definitive diagnosis and control tools to manage one of the main disease agents affecting the bluefin tuna (Thunnus spp.), the blood flukes (Trematoda, Aporocotylidae), also found in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) aquaculture. These parasites can cause both lethal and sublethal effects which provoke significant material and economic losses. Once the species are diagnosed, the success on infection management depends on knowing transmission dynamics of parasites, according to their life-cycles, seasonal patterns and particular environmental conditions. Moreover, this project will also provide new tools for easy nonlethal detection of these parasites. Results on this project can be significant both for the Mediterranean aquaculture and the scientific community overall. This project will be developed with the support of the Ministry for Science, Innovation and Universities.